5.000m2 indoor workshops and 20.000m2 pipe storage yard;
Manufacture Oil states Conductor connectors and weld to pipe up to 36” diameter;
Threading of OCTG in all sizes;
Facilities include multiple SAW welding systems, CNC machines, and support equipment;
Including pipe loader, forklifts, compressors, gen sets and other.
Citeureup Facility
4.000m2 indoor workshops and 15.000m2 yard;
Strategically located facility near Bogor Toll Road close to Jakarta;
Our workshops including Casing and Tubing Service warehouse and maintenance facility;
Complete with function test area, torque turn computer store, support office and bucking area;
Includes various support equipment, inside storage.
Balikpapan Operations
Branch office and workshop in Balikpapan to support Tabular Running, Casing Running and Bucking Service as well
as general sales and administrative representation.